Educational Links:
Houston Independent School District
NorthCentral.gif (10031 bytes)
Houston Independent School District
North Central District
tbecani1.jpg (43597 bytes) Texas Business and Education Coalition

TBEC is a major force for school improvement in Texas.  TEA features a TAAS review and practice questions, including practice tests, demonstrations, tutorials, and diagnostic tests for grades 3 - 8 along with the high school exit exam.

Community Links:
woodlandheights.jpg (11444 bytes) Woodland Heights Civic

WHCA is an active neighborhood association that plays a key role in the revitalization of one of Houston's premier inner-city neighborhoods.

Houston Heights Association
HHA is a nonprofit organization formed in 1973 for the purpose of encouraging and promoting the enhancement of the Houston Heights community. 
ghep.JPG (20057 bytes) The Greater Heights Education Project (GHEP)

GHEP was formed in 1995 as a result of a grass-roots effort made by Heights residents, school personnel, and business people that wanted to positively affect the community's schools. Its focus is on creating more successful students for Houston Independent School District schools in the Heights community.

Spark Parks Program

Schools, school districts, government, artists and neighbors working together.

Kid Links:
ALFY is a new and innovative web portal for kids, targeted especially for children between the ages of 3 to 10. 

The web portal for kids enables children to easily access "kid friendly" web sites, by using search facilities and an approach that is appropriate to their capabilities and skills, and in a safe environment. 
kewltitle.gif (991 bytes) Kids Excellent Website Links

A great directory of kid-friendly websites, including educational, sports, literature, just-for-fun and much more.  Family Friendly Award and RSACi registered (Recreational Software Advisory Council on the Internet)


Big Grade Home Band6inch.gif (12467 bytes)



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Design© William B. Travis Elementary
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graphics by Susan Mitchell