We Build Tomorrows, One Child at a Time

The Travis Elementary PTA is a parent-teacher organization focused on promoting the welfare of its children -- in home, school, community and place of worship.   Each year, the PTA host two major school events -- a Fall Carnival and a Spring Auction to help fund various budget items which were chosen from a wish list created by parents, teachers, and administrators. 

In the 1998-1999 school year, total funds raised from the PTA's two major events was more than $65,000.  Proceeds from the Fall Carnival are given directly to the teachers.  Last year, each teacher received $250 each and each grade level teacher received an additional $130.  Other proceed funded such things as:

  • Creative Movement Ancillary for all children
  • WITS (Writers in the Schools) program for all third grade classes
  • Manipulatives for the new Math Program (Everyday Mathematics)
  • Math/Science Night
  • New Playground Water Fountain
  • Garden Improvements/Repairs

For more information about the PTA, visit their  website at www.travispta.org.









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